Saturday, December 28, 2024

The attempt to impose a permanent health dictatorship by the World Health Organization is not addressed with appeals to morality


Several naïve, politically inexperienced individuals and amateurs of ideological warfare are trying to confront the health dictatorship with appeals to morality, others with appeals to articles of the Greek constitution, and others with clarifications about what is scientific and what is not. All of this would have some value if we were not at war.

Since we are at war, we must not treat the situation as a complex moral issue, which we supposedly must exhaust all its facets. What is moral, legal, scientific, just, etc., is always defined by the victor of the war. The loser will be considered immoral, illegal, mad, unjust, criminal, unscientific.

In war, a supreme principle applies, according to the saying of Cicero: Salus populi suprema lex esto (The salvation of the people is the highest law). In revolutionary language, this translates as follows: The triumph of the Revolution is the highest law.

As long as revolutionary organizations are not created with the goal, among other things, of seizing medical authority, recovering national health sovereignty, overturning the established medical order, fundamentally changing the dominant medical paradigm, and completely dismantling the corrupt infrastructures of the enemy that destroy the health of the people, most citizens will react sporadically, spontaneously, and amateurishly. And this means perpetual defeat.

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